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  • Reasons of Hair Transplant Failure
  • Avoid Hair Transplant Failure by Following these Recommendations
  • Choose Safety and Experience… Choose Turkey Luxury Clinics

Hair transplant failure rate can’t be more than 10%, but it is still a possibility, so why does hair transplant fail? Which factors contribute to this failure and how to avoid it?

Over thousands of people choose hair transplant each year to overcome the problem of baldness, and there are certain things you can do to avoid hair transplant failure, let’s find out in this article.

Reasons of Hair Transplant Failure

There are several factors which are responsible for hair transplant failure that include:

First: Inexperienced Practitioner

Performing hair transplant by the hands of an inexperienced doctor or surgeon will result in hair transplant failure because you’ll probably get inconvenient treatment in addition to elevated complication rate.

Second: Grafts’ Damage

Grafts or hair follicles that are extracted from the donor site are highly fragile and require excessive care as they can get damaged easily which leads to the failure of the process.

Third: Poor Scalp Preparation

Certain preparations like applying products or local anesthetics need to be done whether at the donor site or the empty spots, and inappropriate application will lead to failure.

Fourth: improper technique

Incorrect assessment of the hair fall situation and deciding on the wrong method to transplant hair is a huge waste of money, time and valid hair follicles.

Fifth: Grafts rejection

Although it is uncommon, in rare cases the immune system will reject the newly transplanted hair follicles, attack them and cause inflammation and eventually they’ll fall out.

Sixth: Unrealistic Expectations

It is important to discuss your vision with the doctor during the consultation, and have realistic expectations about the whole process and how you’ll look after the treatment.

Seventh: Inappropriate Post-Operative Care

The doctors will give you a full list of instructions after hair transplantation as it is a highly sensitive stage, and ignoring some of those instructions will lead to hair transplant failure.

Eighth: Smoking and Alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol byproducts will cause severe damage and block of circulation to the newly transplanted hair follicles which will weaken them and result in hair transplant failure.

Although it can fail, hair transplantation has over 95% success rate! Trust Turkey Luxury Clinics to give you the journey of wellness you are dreaming of! Reach out and let’s meet up!

Avoid Hair Transplant Failure by Following these Recommendations

By simple yet important recommendations, you can have the successful hair transplant procedure you are aiming for, and they include:

First: Choosing the Right Clinic

Choose a medical center with a good reputation and a long history of success stories, you can also count on the before and after photos and clients’ testimonials.

Second: Have Realistic Expectations

Let’s be honest, it might take up to three months before you start growing new hair and the process takes time, so it is crucial to have realistic expectations and consult the doctor about the results.

Third: Take your Time During Consultation

Ask about anything, everything that might cross your mind or worries you, talk about your history - sensitivity - medication - lifestyle - the anesthesia - the process and preferred technique … etc. 

Fourth: Avoid smoking and Alcohol

Your new hair follicles need all the nutrients to grow again, and alcohol or smoking can alter this process which weakens the new hair follicles, so it is crucial to stay away from alcohol and smoking for a good period of time.

Fifth: Stick to the Doctors’ Instructions

The doctors will give a list of instructions that you should strictly follow to have great results which include:

  • Avoid rubbing or scratching your scalp even if it itches
  • Sleep flat on your back with your head slightly elevated
  • Take your prescribed medications to prevent any pain or swelling
  • Your doctor might recommend applying a cold compression to relieve the side effects
  • Steer clear from any hard exercise that might irritate the scalp
  • No hats or helmets or even wigs allowed after the transplant
  • Avoid any activities that might irritate the scalp like swimming or sauna
  • Try your best to avoid sun exposure for a couple of days post-surgery
  • Stick to the products that are only prescribed by the doctor for your scalp
  • Follow the doctor's orders for the right way of bathing your scalp
  • Follow your doctor’s diet plan to maintain a healthy recovery
  • online/offline follow ups are the key for an ideal results

Trust Turkey Luxury Clinics to change your life, your look and the way you feel about yourself forever! Let’s connect and discuss your hair transplant process now

Choose Safety and Experience… Choose Turkey Luxury Clinics

Each year, over +500,000 people choose hair transplant to overcome the threat of baldness. You are not alone… but you can do something about it! Let hair transplant be the first step toward a new life.

With over 22 years of experience in hair transplant, you can trust our doctors to give you the look you’ve always dreamed of, here are more unique qualities that distinguish us from the others:

  • Highly trained and professional surgeons and practitioners
  • Up-to-the-minute techniques that match the global standards
  • Treatment protocols which are approved and followed worldwide
  • Fully-equipped medical facilities to meet all your requirements
  • Certified support team that’ll back you up throughout the whole journey
  • And more of our outstanding services that’ll upgrade your experience

Are you ready for the next-level hair transplant at Turkey Luxury Clinics? All you need to do is give us a call and we’ll connect with you right away!